2025 Annual Conference Educational Proposal Submissions

Due Date: April 27, 2025 midnight

Even though this is on the APTA MA website, this application is for APTA CT, MA, NH and VT.
You will be able to indicate which one you are applying for below.

> This is for 60 or 90 minute educational sessions.

> Incomplete applications may not be accepted. Submissions must be within the Physical Therapy scope of practice. 

> The submission site does not accept proposals for sponsored sessions. Submissions received from companies for the purpose of self promotion will not be considered. For sponsorship or exhibit opportunities, please contact Tamara 

> All submissions are reviewed by the Annual Conference committees ensuring fairness and alignment with the conference’s educational goals and PT Scope of Practice.

Guide for completing an evidence based educational submission:

    1. How to write objectives:  https://www.apa.org/ed/sponsor/resources/objectives.pdf

    1. Samples of well written proposals from past conferences:

        • Sample 3


Proposal Application

Please complete all sections
You may also save and continue later

Please keep this short and concise

Lead Presenter:

If proposal is accepted, this presenter will receive complimentary registration for the conference(s) accepted for. The Lead Presenter will be the primary contact for the presentation.

Presenter 2:

If proposal is accepted, this presenter will receive complimentary registration for the conference(s) accepted for.

I (we) would like to present at the following conference(s):

If you wish, you can be considered to present at the following conferences. You can choose to present at your local conference or for 2, 3 other conferences based in the New England area. The proposal will be reviewed individually by each State Chapter reviewers.
(click all options that you would like to be considered for)
Please check the appropriate time for your presentation
There are limited 90 minute sessions in the conference schedules. Panels and lab based presentations are given priority for 90 minutes
Instructional Level
This presentation falls into the following category:
May choose more than one
Current, evidence-based literature. Most references should be no more than 5 years old. The proposal won't be accepted if at least 5 key literature references aren't included