We inspire, engage and empower you to reach your potential.

Getting Involved with the APTA MA

Are you looking to get more actively involved with the APTA MA but not sure where to start? 

APTA MA is only as strong as it’s active volunteers

Board of Directors: Functions to execute the vision, mission, and strategic plan of the chapter.

Special Interest Groups: We have several Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that are designed to provide opportunities for members who share a specific professional interest through educational programming, networking, and resource sharing.

Committees: A great deal of the work of APTA MA is achieved through the hard work of our volunteer Committee leaders and members.  Take a look at our standing committees to see if there is a place for you to lend your talents to the profession.

Advocacy: Learn more about how you can help APTA MA advocate for your patients and your profession.

Please complete the below form if you are interested in getting more involved in with the APTA MA. Your response will be directed to the appropriate person to assist you.

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