Ruth P. Hall dedicated her career to the profession of Physical Therapy. Ms. Hall’s educational concerns, devotion to quality patient care, high standards of ethical practice and her genuine love of humanity, has benefited generations of physical therapist and physical therapist assistant students throughout the years.
The award is designed to recognize a physical therapy and physical therapist assistant student who demonstrate the professional qualities of dedication and caring which exemplified the physical therapy career of Ruth Hall.
An award of $500.00 will be granted annually to the recipients.
The nominee will have consistently displayed the following qualities/achievements:
Student must be nominated for this award by an APTA MA member in good standing, serving in the capacity of Clinical Instructor (CI), Center Coordinator of Clinical Education (CCCE), Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE), or academic faculty.
Nominations must be submitted on the required nomination form found on the website.
Three (3) support letters addressing the above-delineated criteria must accompany the nomination. At least one support letter must be from a CI or CCE that has had direct contact with the nominee and one letter must be from an academic faculty member and one letter from a fellow student.
Only one nominee may be submitted from each school.
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